Ibadan Journal of Humanistic Studies

A Brief History of the Journal

Ibadan Journal of Humanistic Studies (IJHS) was established in 1981. It is an interdisciplinary forum for the presentation and discussion of issues of humanistic relevance. Its focus is on articles and discussions that discuss the African experience and environment. Nevertheless, it allows issues that embrace the larger international order or human culture from which the African world may derive valuable comparative insights. The founding editor was Professor Ayo Banjo, now Emeritus Professor. The journal started as a bi-annual publication, but it is now published annually. It has produced 27 volumes to date (2017). Contributors to the journal and its readership cut across disciplines and nations. This accounts for its continued existence. The journal also has a website: facultyofartsui.org.

About this Journal

Ibadan Journal of Humanistic Studies (IJHS) is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Arts, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. Founded in 1981, IJHS is an annual publication which serves as an interdisciplinary forum for the presentation and discussion of issues of broad humanistic relevance. Preference is given to articles related to the African experience and environment, but there is also room for issues that embrace the larger international order or human culture from which the African world may derive valuable comparative insights.
Papers demonstrating new knowledge and advanced methods that provide scholarly understanding of traditional topics are invited for publication in the journal. Manuscripts should demonstrate new knowledge and advanced methods that provide scholarly understanding of traditional topics. They should be sent as Ms Word attachments to ijhs@ui.edu.ng and ijhseditors@gmail.com.
Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced in A4 format, using Times New Roman 12 font size, and must not exceed seven thousand (7000) words in length. Articles far in excess of that length will not be considered. A 250-word abstract and five key words should also precede the paper. All works cited in the body of the paper should be included in the reference section.
The references must be prepared in accordance with the in-house style of this journal, arranged alphabetically, and presented at the end of the paper. Author’s name (Surname first), year of publication, title of paper, title of book/journal, place of publication and publishers. The author’s full name (with surname underlined), institutional affiliation, bio-data, phone number and email address should appear on a separate page. Illustrations and heavy graphic works are not encouraged, unless absolutely indispensable to the argument.
Reviews should also be forwarded to the editor through the journal’s email addresses indicated above. Only articles prepared strictly in accordance with the journal’s guidelines will be considered.

Editorial Board

Editorial Advisers

Past Editors